Individual Therapy takes time, trust, risk, and vulnerability. Often individual therapy progress happens as we improve our relationships with others. Depression, anxiety, and other obstacles to fulfillment may be the result of not living the life we want. That dissonance in the form of symptoms can be a great wake-up call to action. Sometimes these symptoms are further complicated by biological or genetic components and these issues also need to be addressed competently. We work with some of the best primary care doctors and psychiatrists in the area to give you all the resources you need for the best care possible.
“Enlightenment is the key to everything, and it is the key to intimacy because it is the goal of true authenticity.”
– Marianne Williamson

Most people come to therapy because they hope to manage uncomfortable symptoms including anxiety, depression, or difficulty in relationships, among others. At Dodini Behavioral Health we believe these symptoms are the result of a complex system of biological, emotional, and environmental factors. We address all relevant aspects of these systems to try to understand the symptoms. Often, the symptoms are key aspects of our bodies’ natural alarm system, alerting us to underlying issues at the heart of our discontent.
Getting underneath these symptoms to reveal through self-exploration and awareness of the underlying cause allows us to fully address issues as opposed to just getting symptoms to go away. Without addressing the complex underlying issues, the symptoms often come back or are simply replaced by other symptoms. Curiosity without shame or judgment about oneself and the presenting issues is a vital skill and essential to the psychotherapy process–this curiosity fosters an understanding of who we are and why we do what we do. Part of the process of psychotherapy is learning the skill of curious self observation.

Getting to the heart of the matter takes time, trust, risk, and vulnerability. It’s a great honor for us to be able to go through this journey with those who demonstrate courage in their honest exploration of their own strengths, weaknesses, life history, fears and hopes.
You will not be alone on the journey. Our style is engaging, honest, and relational. We won’t just ask you “and how does that make you feel?” or “tell me about your mother” (okay, we probably will ask those questions), but we’ll also share our experience of what it’s like to be with you and try to be honest and authentic in our emotional responses to what you share. In the literature, this style is often called “experiential” or “relational.” We can also appreciate a good Freud joke and think humor can be healing.